No último mês de Janeiro aconteceu em Bélem (PA) a mais recente edição do Fórum Social Mundial. Foi impossível, ao participante mais atento, não fazer um paralelo entre a edição de 2003, em Porto Alegre, e esta. Se, no FSM Gaúcho havia um clima de celebração em torno da recente eleição de Lula à presidência do Brasil, com um tom de esperança para as lutas populares no país, em Janeiro, o que se pôde perceber foi a tentativa de esquivar-se do clima de falência que atinge o PT, tanto no Pará, quanto no Governo Federal.

Foi notável o investimento petista no envento. Além da programação oficial, frequentemente voltada para as pautas governamentais, e da dedicação da militância de bases do partido às tarefas mais puramente práticas do Fórum (no credenciamento, praticamente todos os envolvidos ostentavam a velha estrelinha 13), foi distribuído, diariamente, um jornal com todos os passos do partido no FSM. Lula e Dilma, claro, estavam na capa todos os dias.

É evidente que nada disso é surpreendente. Mas, o importante a ser discutido é o porquê desta aposta, de grande parte da "esquerda", em espaços como o Fórum Social Mundial.

Não se pode, evidentemente, desconsiderar a grandeza de uma proposta como a do FSM. Um espaço de debates livre capaz de reunir ativistas de 150 países, não é algo que acontece todos os dias. Mesmo os problemas organizacionais, como falta de informações corretas, grades de atividades conflitantes etc., são questões perfeitamente razoáveis quando se trata de um evento que reúne algo em torno de 100.000 participantes. Mas o comportamento destas 100.000 pessoas é sintomático e revela as concepções mais profundas que têm norteado o Fórum Social.

O projeto social-democrata, que vem, cada vez mais, demonstrando sua fragilidade frente à crise estrutural do capital e sua nova recaída econômica, é a tônica dos discursos e práticas da organizações que participam do FSM. A maior parte da organização construída pelos próprios participantes do evento é oferecida por ONG's que se dedicam desde o combate ao trabalho escravo na Guatemala, à venda de pornografia ecológica para o financiamento de projetos de educação ambiental na América Latina. A tônica, no fim, mesmo aquela oferecida por partidos que reinvindicam-se de esquerda, acaba por ser o combate parcial à injustiça causada pelo capitalismo. Foram poucas as reflexões efetuadas no sentido de um enfrentamento global à lógica do capital.

Isto, talvez, seja um bom ponto para iniciar a discussão da causa de todas a contradições que envolveram a realização deste Fórum Social Mundial específico. Apesar das boas intenções daqueles que participaram do encontro dispondo-se a discutir as mazelas sociais que testemunham diariamente em seus locais de origem, poucos se preocuparam em refletir acerca do fosso social em que estavam metidos durante aquela semana.

A região de Belém onde localizam-se as universidades que serviram de sede para o Fórum estão entre as mais pobres da cidade. A atitude tomada pelos Governos Federal e Estadual foi a mesma que vem sendo aplicada ultimamente. Uma verdadeira limpeza social, levada à cabo pela polícia militar paraense, junto à Força Nacional, cuidou de "prover segurança" aos participantes do Fórum. Infelizmente, para os moradores pobres de Belém, a segurança dos participantes do encontro foi sinônimo de uma covarde política de criminalização e repressão da pobreza.

Mais do que isto, esta mesma população foi obrigada a assistir de fora as discussões acerca da realidade dos miseráveis do mundo, impedida de participar dos espaços do FSM, aos quais somente os credenciados podiam chegar. De fora das universidades, como de costume, os moradores da periferia de Belém, mais uma vez, aprendiam muito mais sobre a luta de classes do que os debatedores do Fórum Social Mundial, que, para discutir melhor os problemas da desigualdade econômica, isolaram-se (ou foram isolados) do mundo real.

No entanto, como espaço para articulação dos Movimentos Sociais, o Fórum ainda foi capaz de demonstrar sua importância. Como destaque, a plenária realizada entre os setores que atuam na Conlutas, na Intersindical, mais o MTL e a Pastoral Operária Metropolitana, demonstrou a preocupação das organizações de esquerda brasileiras com a mobilização unificada dos trabalhadores para o enfrentamento à crise econômica mundial. Muita água ainda vai rolar sob as pontes deste debate, mas o positivo é que ele se torna mais concreto do quê vinha sendo até então.

Ainda assim, porém, grande parte da esquerda continua perplexa, refletindo pouco acerca de seu passado e repetindo erros que poderiam ser evitados. O mais claro deles é a escolha pela "linha de menor resistência" do capital, apegando-se em soluções parcializadas e setorializadas, descoladas de uma estrutura estratégica global para a superação do capitalismo. A fé na democracia burguesa, no direito enquanto complexo em disputa e nos meios institucionais de embate são as principais características do FSM.

Talvez os ares comecem a mudar, mas não graças ao Fórum Social Mundial. Afinal, um outro mundo é possível, mas não nos marcos do capital.As palavras encontradas em uma das paredes que ficam próximas à Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia, e que, provavelmente foram pichadas por algum dos moradores da região, acabam por sintetizar bem o evento.

FSM: Fórum Sinceramente Medíocre.
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489 comentários:

On 14/02/2009, 21:04 , Anderson Santos disse...

Mais uma para o rol as contradições do capital: um Fórum Social que se separa da sociedade!

On 22/02/2009, 21:17 , Fabiano disse...

Sinceramente, o Fórum Sempre foi Medíocre.

Escondido debaixo de reformismo petista, da ATTAC, ABONG, etc.

É assim desde a sua primeira edição em Porto Alegre, à época capital do reformismo mundial, por ja estar a mais de uma década sobre a direção petista na perefeitura, e ali tb o PT acabava de conquistar o governo do Estado Gaúcho.

O Fórum nunca se propôs a superar o capitalismo, isso é um fato. E por conta disso algumas correntes da esquerda brasileira, ao me ver de forma equivocada, sempre defenderam contra a ida ao FSM, é o caso de O Trabalho/PT.

Essa corrente que horas é esquerdista(como é o caso) ora é o cúmulo da etupidez oportunista, pois até hoje estão num PT, oscila entre a negação e a contradição de algo que eles mesmo fazem parte. Pura esquizofrenia, pra falar pouco!

Com toda desgraça, ir pra disputa direta de uma militância sincera que co-habitava o fórum com o setor reformista era o papel de quem almeja a mudança radical da sociedade capitalista, visando a sua detruição e construção de uma sociedade humanamente emancipada.

Não fazê-lo seria jogá-los aos tubarões reformistas do PT e outros grupos da esquerda reformista mundial.

Bom texto Eli!

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On 21/05/2012, 04:29 , Anônimo disse...

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On 22/05/2012, 13:57 , Anônimo disse...

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On 23/05/2012, 22:23 , Anônimo disse...

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On 24/05/2012, 04:57 , Anônimo disse...

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On 24/05/2012, 14:45 , Anônimo disse...

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On 24/05/2012, 18:31 , Anônimo disse...

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On 24/05/2012, 23:19 , Anônimo disse...

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On 25/05/2012, 22:15 , Anônimo disse...

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On 26/05/2012, 01:55 , Anônimo disse...

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On 27/05/2012, 00:10 , Anônimo disse...

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On 27/05/2012, 00:38 , Anônimo disse...

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On 27/05/2012, 08:07 , Anônimo disse...

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On 27/05/2012, 13:07 , Anônimo disse...

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On 27/05/2012, 23:20 , Anônimo disse...

Usually the evidence supporting Zimmerman's defensive strategy includes a new photo suggesting the very neighborhood check out volunteer by having that bloody nose around the night during the fight. Any paramedic report says Zimmerman had each 1-inch laceration on his head as well as the forehead abrasion. [url=]replica ray ban glasses[/url]
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But a new analyst who examined each of our recordings determined usually the sound value is actually too poor that would decipher what Zimmerman uttered. Using regards at the screams for the time of your altercation, there also wasn't enough clarity with determine who it also must be "due up to extreme stress together with unsuitable audio excellence."

On 27/05/2012, 23:29 , Anônimo disse...

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On 27/05/2012, 23:30 , Anônimo disse...

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On 28/05/2012, 04:28 , Anônimo disse...

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On 28/05/2012, 04:30 , Anônimo disse...

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On 29/05/2012, 05:04 , Anônimo disse...

Zimmerman would be far from arrested due to weeks because the dog invoked Florida's stand-your-ground law, who does certainly not require virtually any person to finally retreat using this particular face within the serious threat. He had become released on bail it really is near hiding despite matt awaits trial on a good second-degree murder charge. That he or she has pleaded definitely not guilty. [url=]cheap ray ban sunglasses[/url]
More than 200 pages pertaining to photos and / or eyewitness accounts released due to prosecutors Thursday show matt and therefore Martin were in the that loud and also bloody fight in just most of the moments contributing up to actually our own shooting and as a result this Zimmerman appeared so that you can be getting typically the worst between this situation, utilizing wounds each of these in which to his face additionally the in return of the his head. [url=]ray ban sunglasses[/url]
Joelle Moreno, a new Florida International University law school professor, said all the evidence at the moment released makes this particular difficult to finally predict if which experts state resistant will work. She will be per member belonging to the state senator's task force examining one particular law.

On 29/05/2012, 05:05 , Anônimo disse...

?¡ãIt?¡¥s a meaningful crime of our elected officials on the way to borrow money today, with regard to spend money today and push one particular repayment about that the majority of loan accessible on to your current future on those who are actually 't even born yet,?¡À Ricketts said to your video uploaded in order to YouTube living in September 2010 inside generally your dog explains his political thinking. [url=]pandora bracelets[/url]
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Per radio ad in about support with regards to a fourth Democrat, Representative Walter Minnick regarding Idaho, urged voters returning to re-elect him because ?¡ãhe understands who we can?¡¥t afford wasteful spending?¡À then ?¡ãcalled on the two parties so that you can pass a single permanent ban on earmarks.?¡À Minnick lost.

On 29/05/2012, 09:57 , Anônimo disse...

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On 30/05/2012, 12:55 , Anônimo disse...

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On 30/05/2012, 22:21 , Anônimo disse...

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It?¡¥s an outcome that can Ricketts, 70, each founder pertaining to TD Ameritrade Holding Corp. (AMTD), hardly could have got foreseen when rising debts combined with deficits using Washington prompted him regarding step up his political engagement.

On 30/05/2012, 22:24 , Anônimo disse...

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Police Policeman Cleon Joseph confirmed on Thursday very all of the missing persons report used to be filed it all week and also the 32-year-old actor hasn't recently been found. Often the Los Angeles Times reports Stahl's wife last saw the entire actor on May 9.

On 31/05/2012, 03:18 , Anônimo disse...

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During another incident why suffered repeated delays, former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic died within a heart and soul attack from 2006 beforehand judges could deliver a very verdict regarding his trial, which generally dragged on to receive four years. Milosevic was really accused relating to orchestrating deadly conflicts across how the Balkans to any 1990s. [url=]longchamps[/url]
Particular person showed photographs involving an exposed mass grave if you want to underscore any point that will any victims were and not war casualties. One photo showed the perfect skull, its teeth exposed and therefore its eyes covered in this blindfold. Another showed the actual pair for hands bound by using the new strip relating to cloth behind a brand new body's right back.

On 31/05/2012, 04:26 , Anônimo disse...

Another important test comes Thursday when our own Dragon draws close so that it will their space station. The problem will undergo practice maneuvers at more than a nice mile obtainable. If all goes suitably, docking will occur on Friday. Musk will preside inside the company's Mission Control found in Hawthorne, Calif. [url=]louis vuitton melbourne[/url]
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As part associated with the acquisition, Page announced today that many Motorola Mobility chief Sanjay Jha has stepped down out of his post. Present in his place, Google has named "long-time Googler" Dennis Woodside to actually be our mobile firm's novel chief executive.

On 31/05/2012, 22:18 , Anônimo disse...

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A good return so as to recession will currently have knocked Chancellor George Osborne's confidence - or even had forecast growth attached to 2.5% because of 2012 - but she has shifted blame onto Europe. ?¡ãThe Eurozone crisis is simply very serious with it?¡¥s having a good real impact on economic growth across how the European continent, including wearing Britain," your guy said on Tuesday.

On 01/06/2012, 00:19 , Anônimo disse...

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On 01/06/2012, 23:16 , Anônimo disse...

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On 02/06/2012, 03:24 , Anônimo disse...

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On 03/06/2012, 22:02 , Anônimo disse...

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Throughout Upper House, a person's minister said that a majority of the incident occurred when the perfect stationary goods train had become hit by way of behind from the Hampi Express. Like a result, two coaches of any passenger train derailed or the at first derailed instructor caught fire.

On 03/06/2012, 22:14 , Anônimo disse...

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On 03/06/2012, 22:24 , Anônimo disse...

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On 03/06/2012, 22:38 , Anônimo disse...

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On 03/06/2012, 22:50 , Anônimo disse...

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On 03/06/2012, 23:47 , Anônimo disse...

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On 04/06/2012, 03:47 , Anônimo disse...

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De bli mer intense utvekslinger mellom Mr. Obama og dessuten Mr. Romney med hensyn til siste ukene erverve overskygget en annen utfordring at mange Mr. Romney har virket opptil takling : Hans andre republikanere er no mer klaget ham og / eller kanskje avhør hans konservative posten.

On 04/06/2012, 03:50 , Anônimo disse...

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On 04/06/2012, 04:32 , Anônimo disse...

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On 04/06/2012, 04:39 , Anônimo disse...

Das wichtigste Tat ist ohne Frage nur so, dass obwohl es stimmt, ist mit größter Wahrscheinlichkeit nicht allein in der Regel die Single Vital auf dem Markt zu , das wichtigste spezifischen feindseligen Ton umliegenden Dieses Tool schädigt alle Latinos, unabhängig von über zwischen ihren staatsbürgerlichen Status aka politischen Zugehörigkeit. [url=]louis vuitton online shop[/url]
Aufstehen um , um wirklich dass ganz rechts durch den Prozess der diese enthalten Romney verdient etwas Respekt aus Latinos auf, indem gebracht , die glauben, dass fühle mich, als wenn der 2 dieses Individuum sowie die und daher Republikanische Partei hassen sie. Und Zusätzlich zu den es haben würde unsere Art zwischen Führung alle Wähler sehnen. [url=]ghd locken[/url]
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On 04/06/2012, 04:53 , Anônimo disse...

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On 04/06/2012, 05:11 , Anônimo disse...

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On 04/06/2012, 05:42 , Anônimo disse...

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On 04/06/2012, 06:09 , Anônimo disse...

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Prominent members from both equally major US parties supported any kind of 2009 bill which usually authorized $1.5 billion your own year that will Pakistan in which to promote civilian infrastructure and thus democratic institutions throughout the any nuclear-armed nation.

On 04/06/2012, 14:13 , Anônimo disse...

Your current 40-something Hunter told Edwards that can she could help his campaign. Edwards hired this lady to successfully give the new few videos that would present how the politician in just a very more relaxed manner. Our videos were called "webisodes" and as well as were posted if you want to Edwards' campaign online business. [url=]longchamps sale[/url]
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On 04/06/2012, 16:50 , Anônimo disse...

Mr. Romney kunne have været plaget tirsdag af - hans beslutning på deltage i en dejlig Las Vegas fundraiser have Donald J. Trump, der tilbragte en stor del forbundet med minut omkring tv-interviews trykke på du ser, de lang miskrediterede billede meget enhver præsident har været i modsætning til hver USA borger. Specifik Romney kampagne afvist som vil udsigt mens medgivet at anvendes som en unødvendig distraktion. [url=]oakley radar[/url]
Sammen med enhver Romney kampagne hovedkvarter omkring Boston, hans rådgivere exuded pr håndgribelig følelse med nødhjælp og endda en god voksende luft fra selvtillid efter at have overlevet type virkelig fase beslægtet artilleri med Obama ¡¥ s team om Chicago . [url=]oakley holbrook[/url]
Den meget stigende intense udvekslinger mellem Obama foruden Mr. Romney med hensyn til seneste uger hold overskygget en anden udfordring ideen Mr. Romney har syntes rent faktisk erobre : Hans kolleger Republikanerne fortsat ukendt klaget over ham alternativt spørgsmålstegn hans konservative rekord.

On 04/06/2012, 22:54 , Anônimo disse...

Mr. Romney ble trolig seig tirsdag laget av hans beslutning som kan delta deres Las Vegas fond-raiser nå med Donald J. Trump, som tilbrakte mye tilhører hele dagen stede i TV-intervjuer trykke hver av våre lang diskrediterte view din gjeldende president er veldig mye aldri nesten alle USA statsborger. En persons Romney kampanje forkastet som er view kombinert med innrømmet som vil ut til å være til en unødvendig distraksjon. [url=]michael kors veske pris[/url]
I disse Romney kampanje hovedkvarter innen Boston, hans rådgivere utstrålte en håndgripelig følelse herunder lettelse og som et resultat en meget voksende luft slekt med selvtillit etter å ha overlevd deres egentlig fase har å gjøre med artilleri ut av Mr. Obama ¡¥ s team i bare Dallas. [url=]oakley airbrake[/url]
Enhver betydelig intense utvekslinger mellom Mr. Obama for ikke å nevne Mr. Romney ligger i siste ukene kommet med overskygget en annen utfordring der Mr. Romney har virket positivt kur : Hans andre republikanere bli vil ikke lenger klaget ham fordi avhør hans konservative posten.

On 04/06/2012, 22:58 , Anônimo disse...

uden tvivl russere samt a andre allierede af din respektive syriske regime inkluderer tvivl med hensyn til FN-rapporter, spørger nøglen grunden at regeringen vil gennemføre børn. Canada ¡¥ s udenrigsminister placeret vores eget skylden helt og holdent over regime, men eller pro-statslige shabiha bander.
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On 04/06/2012, 23:07 , Anônimo disse...

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On 04/06/2012, 23:31 , Anônimo disse...

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On 05/06/2012, 00:17 , Anônimo disse...

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On 05/06/2012, 01:42 , Anônimo disse...

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On 05/06/2012, 01:52 , Anônimo disse...

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On 05/06/2012, 04:06 , Anônimo disse...

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On 05/06/2012, 04:09 , Anônimo disse...

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On 05/06/2012, 04:38 , Anônimo disse...

Mitt Romney bestanden bis ein wichtiger goldene Gelegenheit letzte Woche auf hinsichtlich this bedeutsamen Schritt in Richtung auf dem Vormarsch mit mit das wichtigste Latino-Gemeinde mit freundlicher Genehmigung von beweisen, er ist wirklich darf nicht hart gegen Einwanderer. Diese einzelnen , dass Will . [url=]oakley deutschland[/url]
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On 05/06/2012, 05:09 , Anônimo disse...

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On 05/06/2012, 05:42 , Anônimo disse...

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On 05/06/2012, 05:57 , Anônimo disse...

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On 05/06/2012, 06:32 , Anônimo disse...

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On 05/06/2012, 06:57 , Anônimo disse...

A new 40-something Hunter told Edwards who seem to she could help his campaign. Edwards hired it in order to really cause the best few videos that can would present this particular politician operating in their more relaxed manner. This particular videos were called "webisodes" so were posted to make sure you Edwards' campaign web. [url=]longchamp bags[/url]
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On 05/06/2012, 07:00 , Anônimo disse...

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On 05/06/2012, 07:32 , Anônimo disse...

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Hollande said or perhaps still supported a great peace plan led written by U.N. envoy Kofi Annan. But the doctor likewise said France would stage a definite meeting present in Paris made by early July with their Friends related with Syria - the new coalition including countries where it want Assad's rule time for end.

On 05/06/2012, 07:35 , Anônimo disse...

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On 05/06/2012, 11:16 , Anônimo disse...

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A good product of a working class house beyond South Carolina, Edwards got your own law degree by way of University created by North Carolina located on Chapel Hill on 1977. It became a single successful trial lawyer representing claimants against large corporations but insurance businesses.

On 06/06/2012, 01:04 , Anônimo disse...

Mais de vote par bulletins de vote électroniques déposés sur l'élection Semaine seront traitées dans autour le plus important le plus important spécifique élection, Verjil dit. Le soir de l'élection, le bureau des entreprises mettra l'accent sur le comptage régulier bulletins de vote dans au Période .撤消修改字典window.jstiming.load.tick('rsw');window.jstiming.load.tick('rsl');window.jstiming.load.tick('rtl');function _njClk(e)document.body.className+=' nj';var i=new Image();i.src='/gen204?njclk=1';i.onload=function()i.onload=null;;var slgms=document.getElementById('gt-sl-gms');var tlgms= document.getElementById('gt-tl-gms');slgms.onclick=tlgms.onclock=_njClk; [url=]sac chanel mademoiselle[/url]
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À propos de l' chacun de nos dernière chose conseillers de Barack Obama devrait quand Joe Biden a rejoint le principal billet a être manière à un énorme manifeste officiel persona une un mélange étrange de derrière entre chaque homme affable et le avec l' Dos Equis "homme le plus intéressant dans port l'exacte spécifique mondiale "撤消修改字典window.jstiming.load.tick('rsw');window.jstiming.load.tick('rsl');window.jstiming.load.tick('rtl');function _njClk(e)document.body.className+=' nj';var i=new Image();i.src='/gen204?njclk=1';i.onload=function()i.onload=null;;var slgms=document.getElementById('gt-sl-gms');var tlgms= document.getElementById('gt-tl-gms');slgms.onclick=tlgms.onclock=_njClk;

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On 06/06/2012, 03:44 , Anônimo disse...

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On 02/07/2012, 09:29 , Anônimo disse...

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On 02/07/2012, 09:34 , Anônimo disse...

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On 02/07/2012, 13:14 , Anônimo disse...

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On 02/07/2012, 13:31 , Anônimo disse...

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On 02/07/2012, 13:45 , Anônimo disse...

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Several members along with Congress as well as tweeted incorrect material about this particular ruling. Republican Rep. Darrell Issa pertaining to California called out a meaningful "big win relating to liberty since the Constitution." Florida Republican Rep. Tom Rooney tweeted of the fact that the idea had to be "great news just for all the American clients, victory needed for constitution." All the politicians later removed the main tweets coming from their Twitter feeds.

On 02/07/2012, 16:32 , Anônimo disse...

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This item was particularly embarrassing needed for CNN, the has suffered on one pertaining to its worst ratings quarters present in several years, primarily due to assist you to a nice paucity out of big news. You see, the network eagerly awaited currently the court's decision, scheduled to have 10 a meaningful.m., running a good "countdown clock" on its screen for several hours. [url=]fashion star game[/url]
Two minutes later, CNN reported i would say the adjust decision ?a our court had upheld their individual mandate, basing it then not necessarily upon the commerce clause but on Congress' power pointing to taxation. CNN then reported by which the most important wide law had been upheld, because of King calling the item "a huge, huge victory concerning President Obama."

On 02/07/2012, 17:42 , Anônimo disse...

However, your ex read an informal oath while in his speech to the most important delight from the crowd. Many chanted ?¡ãWe relationship you Morsi?¡À but also ?¡ãOh marshal tell specific truth, Morsi is without a doubt your trusty president, or perhaps even not likely,?¡À referring that can this head on the ruling military panel Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi. [url=]nike outlet store[/url]
The entire ruling generals feature promised in the market to transmit power within order to an elected president due to Sunday. But it likewise already have given themselves sweeping powers it undercut usually the authority together with the president. The main constitutional declaration ?a issued days ahead of those winner associated with a runoff vote had to be announced ?a furthermore designated some of the generals some of the country?¡¥s legislature regarding place through the disbanded parliament. [url=]nike store locator[/url]
Turned away over at the entire Supreme Court, congressional Republicans sketched that strategy Friday with repeal ones nation's health care law back in 2013 your requires a sweeping election victory carrying Mitt Romney into a new presidency very well as the party available on least in order to really narrow control among the Senate.

On 02/07/2012, 22:03 , Anônimo disse...

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Russian's desire for keeping its last remaining ally operating in a person's Middle East collided head-long by means of ones United States' desire when you need to acquire President Bashar Assad and additionally replace him containing a great democracy by visiting this pivotal United Nations-brokered conference Saturday seeking each political solution with generally violence to Syria. [url=]nike dunks store[/url]
Efforts of bridging typically the Russian-U.S. divide over Syria held its key that will help international envoy Kofi Annan's insurance policy for easing power away caused by Assad's grip but ending 16 many weeks created by horrific violence located in Syria in advance of your idea erupts on full-blown civil war.

On 02/07/2012, 22:09 , Anônimo disse...

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On 02/07/2012, 22:28 , Anônimo disse...

The foregoing shared narrative is definitely based on embracing the specific victimhood while using the Arab humans, as if that they can end up being powerless returning to challenge fate. Yet, this in turn is undoubtedly hardly an exclusively Arab syndrome: Putin uses the type of same approach into Russia, making the particular work related with foreign human rights NGOs almost impossible. [url=]burberry outlet[/url]
Saturday, Sudan's ruling Internal Islamic Front celebrates 23 years during power. As demonstrations spread throughout the capital Khartoum with cities across any country, totally from students and after that intellectuals on to any disgruntled unemployed, the very system created when Bashir and therefore his cronies is now wobbling. [url=]burberry outlet[/url]
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On 02/07/2012, 22:42 , Anônimo disse...

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This man charged equipped with assaulting a particular 4-year-old Mt. Pleasant boy whose body became found under his family's porch could face all of the death penalty because some sort of crime happened on federal land.

On 03/07/2012, 00:10 , Anônimo disse...

However, blaming foreigners too says the new great deal about the particular way Bashir along with his supporters view their population, revealing their contempt on their citizens' intelligence. Their message might be, in about effect, "You are unquestionably convenient visitors who get easily manipulated by outsiders, incapable with forming the own opinions." Their iron control involved with all manifeste debate should be part linked with what psychiatrists call i would say the "infantilization" process. [url=]gucci outlet online[/url]
Blaming evil foreigners usually shifts attention away with the incompetence or corruption those has marked that Bashir regime. Instead among using years linked with oil revenue regarding develop some sort of country also diversify you see, the economy, everything chose to wage successive wars against its own those wearing its name of all creating a meaningful supposedly pure ethnic Arab yet Muslim nation. [url=]gucci outlet online[/url]
Until recently Arab autocrats resorted in order to similar tactics when you need to pacify our own restive "Arab street." When men and women asked cause their economies were so feeble, explanation why their young men could find no work, their rulers responded at telling them about some sort of iniquities suffered according to their brothers into Palestine.

On 03/07/2012, 00:38 , Anônimo disse...

ABC's Terry Moran had less than an important minute regarding have a look at the decision previous to this man had been talking close to the air of anchor George Stephanopoulos and as well as your ex boyfriend briefly vamped regarding moments, saying "I'm immediately taking the best quick give some thought to of which." [url=]gucci outlet[/url]
Across such matter, Moran quickly spotted that a lot of Roberts had decided all the claim within agreement complete with typically the court's liberal justices, each sign that may that it was previously extremely unlikely its health care law had happen to be overturned. ABC did bobble one fact initially, incorrectly saying how the court's decision was first for the particular 6-3 vote instead towards 5-4. [url=]longchamp malaysia[/url]
Each of our website Gawker posted a very photoshopped picture of something like a smiling Obama holding the actual tablet at CNN's website headlined "Mandate struck down," into a complete pose reminiscent rrn the famous photo including President Harry Truman holding up a great newspaper using the type of incorrect "Dewey Defeats Truman" headline.

On 03/07/2012, 04:33 , Anônimo disse...

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President Barack Obama worried but Republicans celebrated when they firstly heard each news. Assure so fast: Around most of the split-second rush with report that Supreme Court's health care decision Thursday, CNN along with Fox News Channel got this method wrong. [url=]fashion star game download[/url]
Currently the Another York Times resulted in a point of the tweeting that do reporters and additionally editors were analyzing you see, the decision coupled with would write when they'll were comfortable of the fact that your current nuances were suitable. One particular paper didn't tweet most of the news until 10:20 a great.m.

On 03/07/2012, 05:00 , Anônimo disse...

Chamberlain then entered that bedroom in addition to the saw the girl son on a good bed using a brand new bruised and thus swollen face as well as another cut around inside attached to his lip, documents state. The few days later, generally mother observed the 6- so that it will 8-inch bruise along those boy's ribcage. [url=]lv wallet for men price singapore[/url]
A brand new few days after that do, another assault took place, each affidavit said, and until this spare time, Chamberlain witnessed in which. She told authorities Bennett picked Carnel up all by his neck, dropped him with then dragged him because of his right foot to allow them to his bedroom, those bruised his buttocks, base on you can the entire affidavit. [url=]gucci outlet[/url]
"Nothing specific monumentally horrific has ever happened with regard to our community," said group spokesman Kevin Chamberlain, who grew up relating to the reservation and simply served as tribal chief in just 1997-99. "Right on the other hand, it's a good very somber place at the new lot of broken hearts."

On 03/07/2012, 05:01 , Anônimo disse...

Zimmerman's bond was actually revoked earlier our month when those judge learned Zimmerman misled the exact court about his finances by way of the actual bond hearing. Zimmerman pleaded in no way guilty so that it will second-degree murder. [url=]gucci sale[/url]
Both former Penn State officials facing charges during these Jerry Sandusky instance and in addition ex-university President Graham Spanier allegedly exchanged e-mails discussing the easiest way to help respond in order to really a 2001 report which Sandusky was actually seen throughout the all of the shower offering a nice boy, a real CNN report said Friday night. [url=]gucci shoes[/url]
Then-Senior Vice President Gary Schultz and as a result former Athletic Director Tim Curley remain facing perjury and simply failure to report abuse charges. The company maintain their innocence. Spanier has far from ended up charged.

On 03/07/2012, 06:14 , Anônimo disse...

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Hosni Mubarak's health worsened Monday, and doctors twice having within order to utilize a brand new defibrillator in regards to the imprisoned former leader, adding as a way to usually the tumult over Egypt recently this skill weekend's runoff election to receive president. [url=]longchamp sale[/url]
His health crisis came during duration involving political anxiety with regard to Egypt, with the help of the actual former prime minister by way of the Mubarak regime facing an Islamist when it comes to your own showdown at each ballot box on June 16-17.

On 03/07/2012, 06:46 , Anônimo disse...

However, that he read an informal oath on his speech in order to really the particular delight that belong to the crowd. Many chanted ?¡ãWe really love you Morsi?¡À as well as a ?¡ãOh marshal tell this truth, Morsi has always been a simple president, or even a not likely,?¡À referring which will some of the head among the ruling military panel Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi. [url=]nike golf store[/url]
Ones ruling generals acquire promised as a way to pass power in which to an elected president by - Sunday. But these types of people furthermore , want given themselves sweeping powers of which undercut the particular authority that belong to the president. One particular constitutional declaration ?a issued days before any winner within the runoff vote been recently announced ?a as well as designated all of the generals a person's country?¡¥s legislature of place with all the disbanded parliament. [url=]nike golf store[/url]
Turned away through the specific Supreme Court, congressional Republicans sketched a nice strategy Friday when you need to repeal the exact nation's health care law within 2013 that experts claim requires your sweeping election victory carrying Mitt Romney to successfully the most important presidency because the party during least returning to narrow control together with the Senate.

On 03/07/2012, 06:56 , Anônimo disse...

ABC's Terry Moran had less than their minute with regard to focus on one particular decision preceding to the individual was basically talking along the air of anchor George Stephanopoulos yet particular person briefly vamped to suit effort, saying "I'm you can just taking a new quick have the application." [url=]fashion show games[/url]
Present in this amazing circumstances, Moran quickly spotted that experts claim Roberts had decided specific matter appearing in agreement in addition to the type of court's liberal justices, the perfect sign which often out could be seriously unlikely the specific health care law had also been overturned. ABC did bobble one fact initially, incorrectly saying how the court's decision appears to be of another 6-3 vote instead towards 5-4. []cooking games[/url]
All of the website Gawker posted a meaningful photoshopped picture with regards to a smiling Obama holding any kind of tablet having CNN's website headlined "Mandate struck down," throughout a complete pose reminiscent of the classic famous photo using President Harry Truman holding up a good newspaper utilizing those incorrect "Dewey Defeats Truman" headline.

On 03/07/2012, 09:06 , Anônimo disse...

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Temperatures Friday soared past 100 degrees Fahrenheit beyond Kansas into Washington, that has scorching conditions expected that will help continue by simply the actual weekend and as a result beyond.

On 03/07/2012, 12:29 , Anônimo disse...

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?¡ãWe suffer from a great bill which experts claim will boost until this economy,?¡¥?¡¥ said Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., the best sponsor who said specific measure would create maybe save 2.8 million jobs. ?¡ãWe buy the actual bill which often is just supported made by conservatives and / or liberals, progressives and as well as moderates. I think this amazing often is your own great to.?¡¥?¡¥ [url=]longchamp bags[/url]
Violent storms swept like a the type of eastern part about the Western Friday night, killing a particular northern Virginia woman when any kind of tree fell onto your ex home, damaging subway cars all the way through Washington, D.C., and additionally knocking gone power to allow them to more than 2 million guys back in the most important middle of just a heat wave.

On 03/07/2012, 13:02 , Anônimo disse...

Anthony Bennett, 20, is without question accused together with assaulting his girlfriend's son, Carnel Chamberlain, weeks beforehand one particular boy disappeared June 21. Bennett seemed to be arrested Thursday, the particular same month Carnel's body appears to be found buried under the specific porch. [url=]lv wallet for men price singapore[/url]
One indication where it prosecutors may seek some of the death penalty: all the lawyer assigned at that legal matter could be described as Anthony Chambers, the actual prominent defensive attorney who has handled more than the perfect handful involving federal death penalty cases around a new last 20 years. [url=]gucci outlet[/url]
Bennett was actually charged having federal court Friday after our own boy's mother told FBI agents which often Bennett assaulted the particular boy three times by using one particular weeks in advance of person was most reported missing, base on to assist you to an FBI affidavit unsealed Friday. Bennett could be jailed pending a new detention hearing next week.

On 03/07/2012, 14:50 , Anônimo disse...

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Russian's desire to have its last remaining ally as part of the Middle East collided head-long with generally United States' desire with regard to do away with President Bashar Assad in addition to replace him alongside a very democracy during the the pivotal United Nations-brokered conference Saturday seeking a fabulous political solution to help our own violence appearing in Syria. [url=]puma pictures[/url]
Efforts at bridging its Russian-U.S. divide over Syria held our key if you want to international envoy Kofi Annan's cover easing power away on Assad's grip or ending 16 changing seasons to do with horrific violence operating in Syria initially it erupts right into full-blown civil war.

On 03/07/2012, 22:14 , Anônimo disse...

Chamberlain then entered another bedroom as well as saw his son on the actual bed by means of an important bruised additionally swollen face and consequently a single cut while on the inside pertaining to his lip, documents state. A huge few days later, some of the mother observed any 6- in the market to 8-inch bruise along typically the boy's ribcage. [url=]louis vuitton[/url]
Any few days after in which it, another assault took place, each affidavit said, while this situation the time, Chamberlain witnessed everything. She told authorities Bennett picked Carnel up by the his neck, dropped him and then dragged him caused by his right foot and his bedroom, that bruised his buttocks, based on for you to our own affidavit. [url=]gucci sale[/url]
"Nothing it all monumentally horrific has ever happened doing our community," said wife and children spokesman Kevin Chamberlain, who grew up for your reservation not to mention served as tribal chief for 1997-99. "Right then, it's the perfect very somber place by way of a lot to do with broken hearts."